Business owners and individuals interested in starting a business it is essential to have an employer identification number issued by the Internal Revenue Service for taxation purposes. It is important for businesses to enter the employer identification number when filing tax return. Taxpayers should keep in mind that the EIN is issued by the IRS is not intended for using for any other purpose such as sales and lotteries. Moreover, being somewhat similar to the Social Security Number, EIN is a 9 digit unique identification number mostly used by sole proprietors, corporations, partnerships, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and other business entities.
Created by the IRS in the year 1974, EIN was used as identification for individuals filing employment tax. Whereas, it is used by businesses when filing excise tax returns. In addition, EIN is required for corporations to open a bank account. Non-profit organizations are issued EIN to get recognized for being exempted from filing tax return. Therefore, it is essential for corporations, businesses, and individuals to acquire EIN online for smooth and hassle-free process. Similarly to avoid any complications and make the tax filing process smooth one, it is advisable to file tax return online., the first IRS certified and leading encourages smooth tax filing process, helping millions of taxpayers to report excise tax returns.
How to Apply EIN?
Apply EIN Online
Many businesses and individuals prefer obtaining their EIN online. After the application is submitted and verified it is issued at once. The online application process is applicable to various entities having their main business, office, or legal residence in the United States. Like Filing EIN file your tax return online with safe and secured website like
Apply EIN by FAX
Taxpayers have the option to send their completed form SS-4 (Application for Employer Identification Number) through fax to their respective state FAX number. However, it is advisable to ensure that the information provided are valid and correct. However, if a taxpayer requires a new Employer Identification Number then it can be issued following the required procedures and the same would be sent to the taxpayers fax number in about one week.
Apply EIN by Mail
The procedure to apply for EIN through FAX and Mail are almost the same and those requiring a new EIN would get the same mailed to the given address. Click here to know the right address to apply for EIN through Mail or FAX.
It is essential to know that the IRS has applied limitations i.e issuing one EIN per responsible party in one day. Moreover, the limitation applies to all whether one applies through fax, mail, or online. It is advisable to apply for EIN on time for an easy and hassle-free tax filing experience.