Category Archives: Product Diaz

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Time to Prepare and File your 2017 4th Quarter IFTA!


The deadline to file your 2017’s 4th Quarter IFTA Return is January 31, 2018. A Quarterly IFTA Tax Return must be filed even if the licensee does not operate or purchase any taxable fuel in an IFTA member jurisdiction during the quarter.


What you need:

  1. Mileage log-whether you use manual trip sheets, GPS, or electronic trip sheets; it is not only necessary to have in order to file your quarterly IFTA return, but you will need these if you are even audited.
  2. Fuel Receipts-you will need to know how many gallons of fuel were purchased in each state.


Options to prepare and file your return:

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2017’s Taxes that are due by January 2018! / – a product of Think Trade Inc wishes you all a very Happy New Year. A fresh new year is once again upon us. It’s the time to be thankful for the blessings of the past year and to take stock of all our achievements. At the same time, New Year 2017 is a brand new year to start afresh, to start strong, and yet another chance to do everything we want to do this year.

Hope you all had a great holiday season; it’s now time to get back to business & take care of the last obligations of 2017. Though Fiscal year 2017 has ended there are few Taxes of 2017 that are due this month i.e. January 2018. Below are the list of Tax Forms that are due by January 2018 & those are supported by / – a Product of Think trade Inc. Continue reading

Must Use Services Offered by ThinkTrade Inc, that You Need this Month!

ThinkTrade Inc is an authorized and certified by IRS to offer e-filing services for federal excise taxes. ThinkTrade Inc is the FIRST EVER & THE ONLY DECADE OLD IRS Authorized E-file Service provider for E-filing Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290. There are various Tax Forms, Supported by ThinkTrade Inc under the banner of / . One can say for sure that there are no months without some or the other tax deadline.

Month of October comes with few Excise Tax obligations, below are the list of Tax Forms that are due this Month, than can be filed through ThinkTrade Inc’s Line of Products: Continue reading

Kentucky Trucking Association Members can Avail 20% Discount on Form 2290!

Kentucky Trucking Association established in 1962, has a Mission is to promote the trucking industry by educating governmental entities, the general public, customers and related industry groups, though advocacy, supplying value added programming and enhancing industry safety and productivity. Kentucky Trucking Association is a trade association representing the interests of, and acting as the voice for Kentucky’s trucking industry & – Products of ThinkTrade Inc are an Allied Member of Kentucky Trucking Association. As an Allied Member of Kentucky Trucking Association and the First Ever IRS Authorized E-file Service Provider to E-file Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290, THE ONLY DECADE OLD IRS AUTHORIZED E-FILE SERVICE PROVIDER, We Offer a FLAT 20% OFF of the E-file Service Fee for Kentucky Trucking Association members with a special Promo Code “2290KYTA2017” valid till August 31st 2017.

For any more questions or queries reach our Tax Experts @ 1-866-245-3918 or write to them @ or chat with them using the LIVE Chat option on the website even on weekends.

Georgia Trucking Association Members, Avail 20% OFF on FORM 2290!

Georgia Motor Trucking Association has been promoting its members’ interest in safety, business and good government since its founding in 1933. / – Products of ThinkTrade Inc have been a part of Georgia Motor Trucking Association for a long time. The Georgia Motor Trucking Association is one of the most successful and broad-based trade groups in the trucking industry / – Products of ThinkTrade Inc, the ONLY DECADE OLD & First Ever IRS Authorized E-file service Provider for E-filing Heavy Vehicle use Tax Form 2290, has joined hands with GMTA as an Allied Member to serve the hard working Truckers & Trucking Companies associated with GMTA. E-filing saves a lot of Time and hard earned money for Truckers and Trucking Companies. Continue reading

On Aug 21, Total Solar Eclipse crossing from Oregon to South Carolina

On Monday, August 21, 2017, all of North America will be treated to an eclipse of the sun. Anyone within the path of totality can see one of nature’s most awe inspiring sights – a total solar eclipse. This hasn’t happened in 38 years! The last time an eclipse path crossed the continental United States was in 1979.

An eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and Moon move into alignment with each other. One of the bodies blocks the view of another and creates a shadow. There are 2 different types of eclipses: solar and lunar. A lunar eclipse happens at nighttime and occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon creating a shadow on the Moon. These types of eclipses occur roughly 2 to 4 times per year. A lunar eclipse will generally last for a few hours Continue reading

Ohio Trucking Association Members, Grab 20% OFF on Form 2290!

Ohio Trucking Association (OTA) was formed to promote and protect the interests of the trucking industry in Ohio. / – Products of ThinkTrade Inc has enrolled itself as an Allied member of Ohio Trucking Association (OTA). The Ohio Trucking Association, founded in 1918, is one of the oldest nonprofit, full-service trade associations in the U.S. / – Products of ThinkTrade Inc, the ONLY DECADE OLD & First Ever IRS Authorized E-file service Provider for E-filing Heavy Vehicle use Tax Form 2290, has joined hands with OTA as an Allied Member to serve the hard working Truckers associated with Ohio Trucking Association. We are the First Ever IRS Authorized E-file Service Provider For E-filing HVUT; E-filing saves a lot of Time and hard earned money for Truckers and Trucking Companies. Continue reading

It’s Discount Time for California Trucking Association Members!

California Trucking Association (CTA), founded in1934 acts as the voice of commercial Motor Vehicle Industry in California. / – Products of ThinkTrade Inc has associated itself as an Allied member of California Trucking Association (CTA). The California Trucking Association (CTA) is one of the oldest Trucking Associations in the U.S. that promotes leadership in the California motor carrier industry, advocate sound transportation policies to all levels of government, and work to maintain a safe, environmentally responsible and efficient California transportation goods movement system. Continue reading

20% OFF on Form 2290 for Western States Trucking Association Members!

Western States Trucking Association (WSTA), formerly the California Construction Trucking Association (CCTA) advocates on behalf of owner-operators, fleet, and broker members for sensible legislation and regulations that affect their businesses. / – Products of ThinkTrade Inc has recently enrolled itself as an Allied member of Western States Trucking Association (WSTA). The Western States Trucking Association, founded in 1941, is one of the oldest, independent nonprofit trucking associations in the U.S. / – Products of ThinkTrade Inc, the ONLY DECADE OLD & First Ever IRS Authorized E-file service Provider for E-filing Heavy Vehicle use Tax Form 2290, has joined hands with WSTA as an Allied Member to serve the hard working Truckers in the Western region of the nation. We are the First Ever IRS Authorized E-file Service Provider For E-filing HVUT; E-filing saves a lot of Time and hard earned money for Truckers and Trucking Companies. Continue reading

Form 2290 is Due now, e-File today

It’s time for your 2290 tax form renewal, the heavy highway vehicle use tax is required to be paid annually to the IRS for every truck that drives on public highways and weighs over 55,000 lbs. Once you file your IRS Tax Form 2290, a Stamped Schedule 1 will be provided to you as your receipt for this heavy highway vehicle use tax. A printed copy is required to register your vehicles each year with the state authorities. A copy of the IRS stamped Schedule 1 for the current year available on your account so you can always have access to it.

Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 – Due Now – August 31 is the Last Date

The 2290 Form is due annually between July 1 and August 31 for this current tax year starting from July 1, 2017 through June, 30 2018. Both the tax return and the heavy highway vehicle use tax must be paid by the deadline in order to avoid penalties and interest. This tax must also be paid anytime a new vehicle is added to your fleet for the remainder of that year. In this case the tax is due by the end of the month following the date the vehicle is first used on the public highways.

Choose E-File & Walk Tall

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