COVID-19: The latest info brought to you by OOIDA

The widespread closing of stores and businesses in the United States and around the world due to the coronavirus is unprecedented. Stores, factories, and many other businesses have closed by policy mandate, downward demand shifts, health concerns, or other factors. Many of these closures may be permanent because of the inability of owners to pay ongoing expenses and survive the shutdown. The impact on small businesses around the world is likely to be severe. OOIDA and Land Line Media are compiling the latest updates from federal and state governments on the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. Bring you this exclusive content for you here in this blog.

Who is this OOIDA? The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) is the international trade association representing the interests of independent owner-operators and professional drivers on all issues that affect truckers. More than 150,000 members of OOIDA are men and women in all 50 states and Canada who collectively own and/or operate more than 240,000 individual heavy-duty trucks and small truck fleets.

The latest info brought to you by OOIDA and Land Line

It is tax season, the federal tax returns due dates are around and if you need extra time to work with your return then report tax extension form 4868 and form 7004; push your deadline beyond the actual due date (March or April). Federal Extension Tax reporting is easy, fast and secured at You don’t have be an expert, applying for an extension is now made easy.

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