Since the tax season 2015-16 has already dropped into our calendars, we see, many customers are coming online and trying a hand in filing form 2290, however, some of them are stuck with the unwiring questions surrounded. So here comes few set of questions to let you going till the weekend.
What Is Form 2290 And It’s Purpose?
Form 2290 is an application to file Heavy Vehicle Used Tax. This tax is calculated based upon the weight carried by a truck on a public highway. It is believed that these heavy vehicles cause most of the damage to the public highway and the fund collected through the form is directly funded in the wear and tear of the roads for better transportation.
Who Is Required To File Form 2290?
Every heavy vehicle truck owner with vehicle weighing more than 55,000 pounds should file and report form 2290.
Why Should You File Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290?
It is strongly believed that, these heavy trucks cause most of the damage to the highway, and the tax paid as form 2290 is directly contributed in the wear and tear of the highway. This important step is taken for the welfare and the safety of the truckers.
So, when should you file Heavy Highway Vehicle Used Tax?
If you are filing form 2290 for the first time used vehicle, you need to file taxes right by the end of the second month of the first use i.e. If you have taken your vehicle out in the month of June, then by 30th of July is the last date of filing form 2290. If you delay, you are liable to pay penalties for the same.
You should renew your schedule 1’s for your rigs during the taxation period, that falls on June 1st– August 31st of every calendar year.
How Should You File Form 2290 HVUT?
Well, to file form 2290, there are two methods applicable. One is the traditional method, paper filing. and the other method implied to file taxes is efiling. This method was introduced to cut short the hassle and allow taxpayers to enjoy an error free session and receive your schedule 1 copy in minutes. In addition, you can avail other benefits like tax calculator, error check and much more when you visit our website,, a prime product of ThinkTrade. And with this method, you don’t have to wait for long hours outside IRS office. With efiling, you can file your tax return on the go, behind the wheels.
What Are The Advantages Of Efiling Form 2290?
- · Save time, energy and paper
- · Tax are calculated almost immediately, accurately
- · One time registration
- · Eliminate rejection of the form
- · Late filing can be eliminated
- · No hidden charges
- · Anytime and anywhere access available
- · Smartphone App for betterment
- · Receive your schedule 1 copy
- · Avoid the virtual traffic jams.
- · Full time customer support by our Tax Experts
We have covered the basics of Form 2290 and the advantages of efiling. Now it’s your turn to choose and decide the best method for filing your taxes. Come join hands with Tax2290.comabnd experience amidst of things at one place without taking much of pain to deal with things. Efile your tax return online with utmost ease and receive your renewal acknowledged receipt within minutes. We know you are already dealing with too many things.