Truckers welcome to the special edition of our blog, coming to you from all of us here at Think Trade Inc. It’s a very special time of the year, but for truck drivers the chance being home with family and friends, remains as a dream year after year. For many other truck drivers, it’s another day of progress. We don’t know where you’ll be today, with your family or on the road working hard for us, but we want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
2015 has been a very special year for Think Trade Inc. We had the privilege of serving maximum number of Truckers and Trucking Companies compared to the previous years. We still have few days left. Nearly 98% of our users were retained and for that, we’re very grateful. With our established social network and partnerships with trucking associations, our application is used by thousands of hardworking truckers every day.
We have Specialists in every single department of ours that contribute to the success of Think Trade Inc. We’re our honored to have gained your trust over the course of years. Thank you all for taking the time to support and recommend our website and our brand to your fellow truckers; it has truly been an honor. We have served hundreds of thousands of tax payers this year.
For those of you that are home, enjoy that quality home time, there’s nothing in the world like it. For all our trucking friends on the road, know that we’re thinking about you all. Be safe on the road and come home to us. Thank you all for your support over the year, we’re truly grateful.
In closing, we have planned bigger things for you in 2016. For anyone that is a user of Think Trade Inc’s line of products, we would look for your continued support. For any comment or suggestion feel free to reach us @ 1-866-245-3918 or write to and let us know how you feel. We’d love to hear from you