Tag Archives: 2290 prefile

One last day to go for 2019 deadline to report HVUT returns Form 2290 for Tax Year June 2019 – June 2020

You just have hours to go through the day that is the deadline for many truckers to report and pay the Federal Vehicle Use Tax returns with the IRS. Taxpayers who must file Form 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return, have no time to do so this year. That said, the deadline will be here before they know it. Taxpayers must file their 2019 Form 2290 by Tuesday, September 3. Normally, the due date is August 31. However, this year the weekend and a federal holiday extended the 2019 date. Use this extended dead line for the year and report this annual advance vehicle use tax on your highway by the time it is done.

Form 2290 eFiling is best and fast at TaxExcise.com and Tax2290.com, the IRS Authorized electronic filing service provider, the most experienced in the list. In fact the 1st ever IRS authorized provider since 2007. Anyone who has registered or is required to register a heavy highway motor vehicle must file Form 2290. While some taxpayers who file this form are required to do so electronically, all 2290 filers can file online. These taxpayers can use their credit or debit card or EFTPS or EFW (direct debit) to pay the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax.

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Wow treat yourself 15% off on your 2290 e-file charges at TaxExcise

IRS Tax Form 2290 and Schedule 1 for the tax period beginning on July 1, 2018, and ending on June 30, 2019, must be filed by July 1. If a taxable highway motor vehicle is first use (in July) during the period and the vehicle has a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more then tax 2290 must be filed by August 31. Anyone who owns and operates heavy motor vehicle with the taxable gross weight and expected to drive 5,000 miles (7,500 miles for Agriculture Use) must report and pay tax 2290. This is an annual tax and paid in full. 2290 must be reported if you’re an individual, limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or any other type of organization (including nonprofit, charitable, educational, etc.). A must need tax, even you’re vehicle is exempt from tax you need to report this exemption, with the IRS stamped Schedule-1 proof you could renew your plates and permits with the state authorities.

Pre-file 2290, last call to save 15% 

You can save 15% of your eFile charges by apply the code “EARLYBIRD” which is exclusively for our returning users and early filers. Prefiling is filing 2290 ahead of the schedule and waiting for the IRS to process it once they are operational. Prefile could save your time and effort too, you can put your efforts rightly into the business rather than spending your time to report 2290 tax.  Continue reading

Truck Tax Form 2290 electronic filing and 10% discount on e-file fee

If you’re a trucker with a heavy motor vehicle that has a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more, you are required to report and pay HVUT Form 2290 to get a stamped copy of your Schedule 1. You must file for any taxable highway motor vehicles that are required to be registered in your name under state, District of Columbia, Canadian, or Mexican law at the time of its first use during the tax period.

You must e-file your Form 2290 if you are filing for 25 or more motor vehicles, but IRS encourage e-filing for anyone required to file Form 2290 and who wants to receive quick delivery of their watermarked Schedule 1. With e-file, you’ll get it almost immediately after IRS accepts your e-filed Form 2290. Continue reading

We’re Ready With 2290 Pre-Filing for 2018 – 2019 Tax Season

That time of the year, we’re ready with the Prefiling 2290 option exclusively for you. We do have the discount offer this year as like previous years, exclusive offer can be availed using the code “PREFILE2018” before it’s validity (June 15th).

Why Pre-File 2290?

Pre-file 2290 is to prepare and report your HVUT taxes ahead of the schedule. The new tax season starts from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019; and all the 2290s falls due irrespective of your earlier filings. Instead of waiting till July to prepare your 2290s we go ahead of the schedule and open our website to file 2290 for the tax year 2018 – 19 in advance.  Continue reading

Should we promote same-gender training policies?

Imagine you are a 24-year-old female who decides to become a professional driver.  You attend a truck driving school during the day for three to six weeks.  You proudly display your newly earned commercial driver’s license to the recruiter, who promises you a great job with new equipment and a friendly dispatcher.

You then learn that you need to go out on the road with a trainer, a 58-year-old man with whom you will be sharing the cab of a truck, including the bunk area, for the coming weeks. Regardless of his clean record, his paternal demeanor or his soft smile, the thought of sharing a small space with a stranger of the opposite sex could be terrifying. Continue reading

About Employer Identification Number (EIN) and apply for it

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, and is used to identify a business entity. Generally, every businesses need an EIN to electronically report their taxes with the IRS. Employer Identification Numbers are issued for the purpose of tax administration and are not intended for participation in any other activities (e.g., tax lien auction or sales, lotteries, etc.). If you don’t have one for your business, apply for it today and allow upto 15 days to get one in your preferred name.

Check here: Do You Need an EIN? 

Determine Your Eligibility

  • You may apply for an EIN online if your principal business is located in the United States or U.S. Territories.
  • The person applying online must have a valid Taxpayer Identification Number (SSN, ITIN, EIN).
  • You are limited to one EIN per responsible party per day.

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Its Father’s Day Week at ThinkTrade Inc. enjoy 15% OFF

Howdy Truckers! TaxExcise.com & Tax2290 has good news for you all waiting to file heavy vehicle use tax form 2290 returns online for 2017-18 tax year. You can now pre-file your returns online only at TaxExcise.com | Tax2290.com.

Prefile is a step ahead of electronic filing by pre-opening 2290 filing and enabling more time to prepare and report 2290 taxes with IRS. Being pioneer in the world of e-filing, we have put great effort in making this possible for you. So you can submit your form 2290 tax returns electronically for 2017-18 even before the tax year officially begins.

We do have our OFFERS back with so much excitement and happy to share it across. Yes, at a flat 15% discount on our e-file preparation fee by apply the coupon code “FATHERSDAY”, valid for a week till June 18. HURRY! Continue reading

Being recognized by Todd the TSA agent.

The reports about airline incidents have been numerous lately and don’t seem to be stopping.  Maneuvering through a busy airport, like Atlanta or Chicago, is not fun. In fact, it’s frustrating and challenging, even for frequent flyers who know what to expect.

As President of the Women In Trucking Association, I spend a lot of time flying to meetings, conferences and speaking engagements. I stick with Delta, as there aren’t a lot of choices at my home airport in Appleton, Wisconsin.  Continue reading