Tag Archives: excise tax returns

Tax Filing is opening today with the IRS, Feb 12

With filing season opening on Feb. 12, the Internal Revenue Service urged taxpayers to take some simple steps to help ensure they file accurate tax returns and speed their tax refunds to avoid a variety of pandemic-related issues.

Although every year the IRS encourages taxpayers to e-file their returns and use direct deposit to receive refunds, to those taxpayers who have previously not used e-file, the IRS emphasizes using it this year to avoid paper-related processing delays. 

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Think Trade Inc & its Line of products

ThinkTrade Inc, a leading tax preparation software provider Headquartered in Franklin, Tennessee, we offer high-end technology solutions and services. Since its inception, we have left our imprints behind, working harder towards one goal, customer delight. This article will briefly explain about the line of products & services that are offered under the banner of Think Trade Inc: Continue reading

Forms due by this Month with Think Trade’s Line of Products

www.taxexcise.com, a product of Think Trade Inc., A BBB accredited, IRS authorized E-file service provider for all kinds of Excise taxes like Form 2290, Form 720, Form 8849 etc. The following article describes about the Tax Forms that are due by January 31st 2016. Continue reading

Merry Christmas from us to You

Truckers welcome to the special edition of our blog, coming to you from all of us here at Think Trade Inc. It’s a very special time of the year, but for truck drivers the chance being home with family and friends, remains as a dream year after year. For many other truck drivers, it’s another day of progress. We don’t know where you’ll be today, with your family or on the road working hard for us, but we want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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E-Filing HVUT Tax Form 2290 – What to Expect From Your Efile Service Provider

Expectation is one thing that no one can live without. It is popularly said that Expectations lead to disappointment, Human brain is ready to accept it but every heart that beats always lives with expectations of some sort. “An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality.” So Genuine expectations are good for a healthy lifestyle and its betterment. A very common word in trucking Industry especially during the months of July & August is HVUT Tax Form 2290. This is one of the taxes imposed on truckers by the IRS. Any vehicle with a gross weight of 55,000 lbs or above has to have a Tax Form 2290 filed on it. The most preferred mode of filing is getting it done online. Continue reading

ThinkTrade Inc Pioneers in E-filing Excise taxes

Managing your business along with filing your tax returns on time is on hell of a Task. ThinkTrade Inc, A BBB accredited E-file service provider comes to your aid by helping you e-file your Excise Taxes Online. Trusted by millions of tax payers across the nation, ThinkTrade Inc has made E-filing tax returns simple and hassle-free. However, to understand the advantages of choosing ThinkTrade as your E-file service provider, it is mandatory that you understand the advantages of electronic filing over paper filing. Continue reading

30th April Stands As The Due Date For IFTA, Excise And HVUT filers

April is the month of due dates and there are not many due dates you need to remember. However, there are different forms you have to remember. One of the important form is for excise tax filers to get their excise tax filed through form 720. This quarterly filed federal excise tax is filed by the end of each quarter to avoid penalties and interest. The first quarter of the year, 30th April is not too far from our calendar and that reminds us that you have to file your tax return by the due date.

Excise tax is applicable for business or providing sales of goods and services of any of the listed products in form 720. The tax is included in the goods purchased by the customers like gasoline for your car. When you pump fuel in your car or buy flight tickets, you are paying for the service offered, which includes the tax rate as well. Continue reading

Do You Know What Happens When You File HVUT Late?

When we count on the exceptions, there are handful of them, however, heavy vehicles with a gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more, using the public highway are mandatory to file and pay tax as per the federal regulations. Today, at our blog, we are going to talk about the scenarios you would face if you don’t file form 2290 for your taxable highway vehicle. Continue reading

Efile Your Form 2290 Through The Following Mediums

Today at ThinkTrade Inc., we are going to talk about the methods to efile, through various mediums.

Form 2290, the application to file and report heavy vehicle used tax can be filed through only two major methods i.e. paper filing and another is efiling. However, efiling is again sub divided into three other methods, which is the topic of discussion today. Before we start, a small introduction about efiling is surely a requirement. Continue reading