Tag Archives: form 7004 efile

With the filing deadline close, here’s why taxpayers should e-File

IRS in its recent issue (Issue Number: Tax Tip 2019-34), highlighted the importance of electronic filing and how this efile could be a saver with the deadline fast approaching, here it is.

A few taxpayers still use the old-school method of filing their tax returns: on paper. For these people, now is the time to consider filing electronically. With the April tax deadline right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to use IRS e-File.

Here are the top six reasons why taxpayers should file electronically in 2019:

It’s accurate and easyE-File helps taxpayers avoid mistakes, such as a transposed Social Security number. Taxpayers who e-File receive an acknowledgement from the IRS within minutes, telling them their return has been accepted. If a return is rejected, the acknowledgement will detail why the IRS rejected the tax return. Continue reading