Tag Archives: identity protection PIN

People can protect themselves from tax-related identity theft with an Identity Protection PIN

Identity Protection PINs stop identity thieves from filing fraudulent tax returns. When a taxpayer chooses to participate in this program, the IRS assigns them a six-digit number which the taxpayer uses to prove their identity when they file their tax return. This extra layer of protection provides peace of mind, especially for people who have already been a victim of identity theft.

How to get an IP PIN

The Get An IP PIN tool lets people with an SSN or ITIN request an IP PIN online after they verify their identity. Taxpayers should review the Secure Access requirements before they try to use the Get An IP PIN tool.

Tax2290 for HVUT eFiling
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All taxpayers are now eligible for identity protection PINs

The IRS has expanded the Identity Protection PIN Opt-In Program to all taxpayers who can verify their identity.

The Identity Protection PIN is a six-digit code known only to the taxpayer and to the IRS. It helps prevent identity thieves from filing fraudulent tax returns using a taxpayers’ personally identifiable information.

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