Tag Archives: Pre-filing 2290

Support in advancing our mission

For fourteen years the Women In Trucking Association has been the only organization whose mission is to encourage and advance the employment of women in trucking. We have always represented ALL women in the industry, or as we like to say, the women who design, build, fix, drive, or own trucks.

Since 2007, we have been the lone voice for our members, but now that is changing.  We are being joined by other groups that share our goal to bring more women into the industry. We are extremely proud to be an integral part of three national initiatives.

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Women In Trucking joins broad coalition calling for passage of legislation to promote service in transportation.

As the need for professional drivers continues, the Women In Trucking Association (WIT) is joining with more than thirty groups to support federal funding to highlight careers in all areas of transportation.

The Promoting Service in Transportation Act (H.R. 3310 and S. 1681) asks legislators to authorize funding for the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) to garner exposure for jobs in trucking, aviation, rail and maritime.  They would create a series of public service announcements for print, broadcast and digital media to encourage these careers.

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One last day to go for 2019 deadline to report HVUT returns Form 2290 for Tax Year June 2019 – June 2020

You just have hours to go through the day that is the deadline for many truckers to report and pay the Federal Vehicle Use Tax returns with the IRS. Taxpayers who must file Form 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return, have no time to do so this year. That said, the deadline will be here before they know it. Taxpayers must file their 2019 Form 2290 by Tuesday, September 3. Normally, the due date is August 31. However, this year the weekend and a federal holiday extended the 2019 date. Use this extended dead line for the year and report this annual advance vehicle use tax on your highway by the time it is done.

Form 2290 eFiling is best and fast at TaxExcise.com and Tax2290.com, the IRS Authorized electronic filing service provider, the most experienced in the list. In fact the 1st ever IRS authorized provider since 2007. Anyone who has registered or is required to register a heavy highway motor vehicle must file Form 2290. While some taxpayers who file this form are required to do so electronically, all 2290 filers can file online. These taxpayers can use their credit or debit card or EFTPS or EFW (direct debit) to pay the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax.

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